The Ultimate Guide To Effective Goal Management

FastTrack Your Professional Results

Lead In Your Field / Live Life on Your Terms

The Ultimate Guide To Effective Goal Management

Success is a subject.

Yes, success is a subject. That’s it.

Success is a subject anyone can learn. You can learn how to become successful and become very effective in getting what you want.

Most people are not living the lifestyle they want to live. They are not getting the results they want to get, and they don’t know how to change their circumstances. They’ve never been taught effective goal management.

Over time most who never learn this skill, live out their life frustrated and disappointed in themselves and their inability to create what they can see others do.

The importance of Effective Goal Management:

Why do we need to set Effective Goals?


Too many business leaders are failing.

Good leaders are directing their efforts, and those they lead, towards the wrong objective, because they’ve not mastered the skill of effective goal setting. Effective goal management is a skill that anyone can master.

They’re failing to achieve the results they want or the results they need.

It’s a waste of time and resources.

Fortunately, it’s easy to correct. Saving time, energy and releasing your true potential, focused on the direction of where you want to go.

Goals are not for you to get they cause us to grow. Goals draw new levels of performance from within us.

This blog will guide you to:

  1. Tools for goal setting, goal management (Goal Tracking), and goal achieving.

  2. And suggest the most effective way to develop a rhythm and routine around the 90 Day Milestone Action Planner. This is an effective performance management system.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Goal Management will make you aware of the habits you’ll need to develop so you can continually achieve better and better results. Better levels of performance management.

The intention of this article is to:

  • Improve your capacity to focus your attention on your No.1 Priority (Your chief aim in life, your goal)

  • Help you identify clearly defined new habits you need to form.

  • Show you how to generate momentum.

  • Highlight the satisfaction you’ll get from learning to deliberately directing the direction of your life.

  • Make you aware of the truth of how powerful you really are.

5 moments that’ll change your life forever.

  1. The moment you recognise the limits of your current thinking.

    You’ll never outperform the limits of what you believe.
    Not all you believe serves you.

  2. The moment you accept that your desire is the starting point of all you’ll accomplish.

    Desire created in your imagination and it’s as real as the circumstances in your physical experience.

  3. The moment you establish a personal goal.

    This is your chief aim in life. It’s something you really want; something that’s way beyond your current experience.

    Then you make a committed decision to get the understanding you need to FastTrack making your personal goal happen.

  4. The moment you become aware of the infinite power within each one of us.

    The power to create whatever it is we passionately desire.

  5. The moment you start taking deliberate action with a new capacity for determined focus on your chief aim in life.

    Satisfied in your expectant attitude that the outcome is guaranteed. All you must do follow the lawful process.

The benefits of Effective Goal Management:

How it can transform your life.

The benefits of Effective Goal Management

Effective Goal Management has been at the foundation of man’s ability to invent all the wonderful goods and services that we can enjoy today. Learning to become effective in goal setting and goal management will give you the ability to set personal goals and strategic goals, so you can deliberately improve the quality of any area of your life.

When you accept that your thought world, unseen by anyone but you, is just as real as your physical world experience, then you’ll realise how important it is to create order in your mind. The starting point for creating such order is to give your mind direction. A point in the future to martial all your talent, ability, and energy behind. A personal goal that’ll become an obsession, a burning desire.

Mind is cause and results are effect.

Your thoughts, dreams and aspirations will become a part of your physical life experience when you become aware of how to effectively apply the creative process to your day, every day.

Your success begins with Effective Goal Management.

Your thoughts and your aspirations should never be without conscious direction. Only you can decide to direct your attention what you want and your goal progress.

FastTrack your professional career!

Take it next level by achieving extraordinary results.

In this article I intend to give you the tools to FastTrack your professional career. You’ll find that as you develop your performance management skill in your professional life you’ll experience extraordinary developments in your results, and you’ll experience the same in your personal life.

We’ve condensed Bob Proctor’s 60 years of teaching the Laws of Achievement and created an easy-to-use Ultimate Guide to Effective Goal Management 3 step framework. All you need to do is follow the process daily and use the system to start your day in the right frame of mind, focus on what you want to achieve next.

This system is designed to help you, over time, uncover your unique ability (Your gift). You’re hardwired to express yourself through your life’s purpose. Everyone will then see the truth of who you are. The truth of who you are is magnificent, regardless of your past or current results.

It’s your job to clarify what your purpose is.

Maintaining momentum:

How to stay motivated.

Maintaining momentum

Your success is closer that you think. Success is a subject anyone can learn. To succeed in any endeavour, you need to clearly understand the importance, value and true purpose of goal setting. And once you’ve decided on what you want you have to do two things:

  1. Stay interested in your goal for long enough, certainly until you find the information that’ll help you build a solid foundation and understanding of how you’re mind’s perfectly design to achieve any goal you’ve set your heart on.

  2. Open your mind to the performance management systems high achievers use.
    Go to the source of that system and do what it takes to learn and integrate that system for success into your standard operating procedure, into your life.

Transforming your capacity to focus on your personal goal and your professional goal comes through new ideas.

If you take only one thing away from this article today:

Remember these three points.

  1. Write your No.1 Priority (Your Goal) every day.

  2. Make a Committed Decision to yourself to persist.
    Plan & execute on your plan daily – This creates momentum.

  3. Focus your mind by always asking:
    “What can I do next to FastTrack my next Milestone?”

Find all the information you need to upgrade your performance management system.

“I transformed my personal and professional life through the 6-month coaching program Thinking into Results. The system gave me a foundation to achieve my business and my personal goal, (and I went right past them). It taught my how my mind works, how human beings think, act and get results. As a result of the extraordinary change my wife and I are financially independent, and we get to live life on our terms.”

- Shane O’Donnell

Hear it from Bob Proctor: How to Think & Grow Rich - Bob Proctor

You are capable of developing the skills you need to achieve your next Milestone.

Go to the person who’s done what you want to do and ask them. (Don’t ask your neighbour who’s never accomplished anything.)

The 3 parts of the article.

  1. Effective Goal Management.

    • Become effective organising each day using the 90 Day Milestone Action Planner.

      • Send me an email:

      • And I’ll forward you the next dates of the Ultimate Guide to Effective Goal Management Workshop – includes

        • An introduction call & 3 x 1 hour zoom calls and

        • Action Planner. (The workshop is free)

    • Form the habit of starting your day focused on your chief aim in life.

  2. The Thinking into Results Lifestyle Success System

    Lesson 1: A Worthy Ideal

    • Uncover your No.1 Priority (Your most important goal.)
      You’ll get this as part of the Ultimate Guide to Effective Goal Management Workshop – includes:

      • Additional Workbook,

      • Video lesson on effective goal setting and

      • A bonus article on Effective Decision Making by Bob Proctor.

    • Form the habit of setting effective goals.

  3. Plan and execute on your No.1 Priority (Your goal.)

    • Learn how to move from plan to action.

    • Understand what mental roadblocks you must master in the journey to any goal.


3 Proven Steps to Kickstart your Success